Archive for August, 2009

Bug Hunting

Monday, August 24th, 2009

Any quirks, bugs or bad grammar please report in the bug forums, we will fix everything up from there. Cheers guys.

Last night – messing with new in-game characters

Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

Yesterday / Last night we were messing around with our new character builder. Its going to be in a relatively small phase when we launch V3 but we want to build on it alot more as time progresses.

Here are some characters we made:

Mafia style

Mafia style

Cigar man

Cigar man

Mr Affro

Mr Affro

Smooth Gangster

Smooth Gangster

Cool Character

Cool Character

Sporty Chick

Sporty Chick

Bad Ass Chick

Bad Ass Chick

Lady In Red

Lady In Red

Sleek Woman

Sleek Woman

Gangster Girl

Gangster Girl

Street Crime v3 Progress

Monday, August 3rd, 2009

Hello guys and girls,

As many of you will know we have been working very hard on the new version of Street Crime (v3). The third installment of the game looks set to be the best yet. We have tons of new things to show you and a whole new interface which we think you’ll really like.

We have been rather quiet in the last few weeks as to how well our progress is going. So we thought we’d let you know…

In a week or so we shall be moving the new version into its closed beta phase, which will mean that a few people will play and test the game for us. This will last for 1 week and help us to remove any bugs from the game before the game is live.

Once the beta is finished we will be ready to announce a launch date, this will be approximately 1 week or during the week following the beta test.

We will of course announce the launch date in advance so you can all make sure your there.

Not only are there alot of changes and new features and on a whole much better game to check out, but weve also got alot of prizes to give away for helping us with numerous things.

Details of those will be announced at launch…but just to wet your appetite we will have some Xbox 360’s & PS3 up for grabs along with some great accessories, gadgets, street crime t-shirts, posters and alot more. This is to show our appreciation to you for helping us more than anything.

Well thats about all for now folks look out for some more regular updates in the coming weeks as we start to wind things up for the launch!

Stay Tuned!
The Admins

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