Archive for February, 2010

Kill and Attack Update

Sunday, February 28th, 2010

This is just a small update to let you know how were getting on with attack and kill. We are now in the middle of coding the final aspects of the attack and how each one of you will be returning to the game in the case you are sent 6 feet under! After your character is killed those of you who played previous versions of Street Crime will be familiar with the hell page. However for those of you who are un-familiar with this aspect of the game, when your character is killed by another gangster, you are required to create a new character with a new name and return straight back into the game so that you can start collecting and piecing together information about your death, in the hope that youfind the culprit and then can take revenge on him/her.

We have been busy developing an all new inheritance system, which will perk you up when you die, its also better than before in that dieing is not the be all and end all of the game. If your well prepared dieing doesn’t have to be that much of a bummer! We have some screen shots of this that will be making there way to this thread tommorow.

We also created a perfect testing environment to test all of the new stuff we have been working on and trust us when we say theres alot of it!!!

All in all things are going well with the development and by the end of this week we hope to have a date set for launch.

Stay tuned folks!

Attack Progress Update

Monday, February 22nd, 2010

We are now moving into the final stages of development and testing of the attack and kill functionality, so we thought we would show you some screenshots and pictures of whats to come.

The above screenshots are but a handful of whats to come!
As you will know we are working hard to finish this and it we are now on the home stretch but we won’t announce release of all of the new features until we are 100% happy that everything works as it should and we have worked all bugs out of the system as best as we can.

Heres some more stuff coming into the game when we release the features.

Heavy Weaponry

The RPG is one of 3 all new heavy weaponry guns never before seen in any street crime version, these heavy weapons fire unique rocket ammunition and carry a significant punch when trying to damage a fellow gangsters turf.

Some New Credit Items

Double Exp, allows you to equip your character for 24 hours with double experience from everything in the game, allowing for ultra fast ranking. Would be especially handy if you wanted to rank quickly back up to get your own back on a guy that killed you.
Energiser Plus is a new credit item which can be equipped to your character for 7 days and allows you to regenerate energy at double the normal rate.
Chaffeur allows your character to ship cars to and from cities which you are currently not in and last for 7 days.

Stay tuned gangsters!

New Helpdesk Members

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

As most of you are probably aware, we allowed players to apply to join the helpdesk team last week. The application process is now closed and we have now chosen two new members: Adam and Malaki.

We hope you will all welcome them into their new roles and of course if you have any problems you can of course ask them for help. If you need help at any point the fastest way to get a response is by using our Helpdesk Ticket system, so if your stuck or have a question please use the ticket system >>

Thank you to all of those that applied to be helpdesk, sorry that your application was not accepted at this point. As the game continues to grow we will open the application process again so if you are still interested please keep an eye on this.

Street Crime Staff

Attack & Kill Progress Report

Monday, February 15th, 2010

We want you as our players to be as informed as possible of our progress with developing the new features, so we decided this morning to give you all a little update.

Kill and Attack have taken us slightly longer than we first anticipated, mainly because we have been very conscious of trying to make it the very best we can, which to us means also being innovative and new to this genre of game, so when they do get released you will have seen nothing like it! Because of that, unfortunately its taken a little longer than we hoped to develop the system, although we are now making very very good progress and hope to be ready to go live soon.

Please don’t forget we have your best interests at heart and are trying to develop the best game that we can so to make it more interesting for you all.

More information of an exact date will come soon.


Street Crime Staff

Want to become a Helpdesk Member?

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Today we have opened up the application process to apply to become a helpdesk member on Street Crime.

If you are interested in helping other gangsters in the game then this is your chance to apply to become a member of the helpdesk team.

Anyone who applies to become a helpdesk member will be expected to maintain an active role on the game.

Click here to find out how to apply >>

Any applications received after 10/02/2010 or incorrectly filled out will be ignored.

Street Crime Staff

Gangster Video Competition Results

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

On the 19th January we announced a Street Crime Video competition where we asked gangsters to create tutorial styled videos. The competition is now closed and the winners are announced below:

• 1st place – Joker
• 2nd place – Adam
• 3rd place – Chappa

We thank you for all your entries, stay tuned for more competitions in the near future where you can earn the chance to win yourself some excellent prizes. The winning videos will be added to the Street Crime Video Tutorial page in the near future for you all to see.

Thanks again for all the entries

Street Crime Staff

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