Archive for January, 2011

A big welcome to Pinball and Slowhand

Monday, January 31st, 2011

I’d like to say a warm welcome to our first Moderators of version 3, Slowhand and Pinball. Slowhand & Pinball have the job of managing the community here at Bytewire. They have no attachment to the game and are managed privately by the Admins (us). They will be here to moderate the game from a purely non bias position and help to keep disruption and childish behaviour to an absolute minimum. They will also be given advanced powers compared to the Helpdesk members which will allow them to issue yellow and red cards to players in the chat, with punishments ranging from a 1 hour chat and forum ban, to a weeks full ban from the game. With the possibility of further punishment for serious offenders being added by the Admins. Hopefully this positive approach towards enforcing a standard set of social behaviours within Street Crime and our push with the new feature set should get people feeling really good about the future of Street Crime again.

Street Crime Staff

Our apologies…now to the future

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

We’re sorry. We know we have been a little on the quiet side since the new year, especially after promising so much to look forward too and with some promises not being met. We’d like to take a minute to explain why…..! (Keep reading if you want to read about Attack and other features in development).

As some of you may or may not be aware, we’ve decided to take the leap of faith as a company and move into an office, we we’re hoping to have this all tied up and be done and dusted by the backend of last week. As many of you will be aware moving property or even moving house can be a real pain, and make no mistake moving into an office for the first time is no different! We’ve had lots of stuff to source and lots of stuff to try and sort out, never the less we’ve done all the stuff we need to do personally. However due to complications with BT (British Telecomms) we’re still unable to move into our office and use it! Big bummer for us. This is due to the fact we are awaiting a engineer to fit some sockets and ports to the premises. So alas we’re still slumming it from our own pads.

Some thing’s you can expect from us once we’re all up and running:-

  • A even more professional service
  • A even more reliable service
  • More cohesive features
  • More immersive features
  • Enhanced usability
  • All round professionalism

We will no longer be running a game out of make shift offices from cramped studies in our own homes, and will finally have the chance to really ramp up your gaming experience. Hopefully you can all understand the benefits of working together under the same roof every single day. And also the benefits of calling in testers if we need a feature tested at the convenience of our own office.

Over the last couple of weeks we’ve noticed some real unrest amongst alot of the players mostly directed towards us and the games development. We feel your frustration and can only apologise and promise you that no matter what you might think about us caring or not caring about the game. We can 120% ensure you that we care alot about it, its our little baby after all! We are continuing to work hard on developing areas such as Attack, a new interface, a new shop, Avatars and missions and although we don’t have a date for all of these just yet, they are not far off.

Now we realise that most of the frustration pins around Attack so what we thought we would do today, to show you a gesture of our intent, we’re going to give a preliminary date for launch. The preliminary date we will set is around 3 weeks, this will give us time to put the finishing touches to the scripts and fully test the whole system out, before releasing it. We can’t 100% promise that the preliminary date set will be the exact date of the launch it maybe 3 weeks 2 days or 4 weeks. But what we can promise is within 5 weeks we will have our whole new attack / kill system in place. And finally the world as we know it on Street Crime will be capable of running full circle. Turf wars, crew kills, property drops, cash blown out of the game and bullet factories under player control. Just imagine the possibilities.

Finally players that disrespect you or insult you will get their just deserves and catch a bullet! Well at least so long as you’ve equipped your character to the teeth they will!

Nearer the time of launch we will give at least a 3 day warning of the launch time and date, to give all players a fair chance to be there to fight whatever fight comes their way.

We sincerely hope you will accept our apologies and hopefully we can all look to the exciting future of the game. Stay tuned.

Street Crime Staff

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