Archive for May, 2011

New attack updates

Friday, May 27th, 2011

This morning we added some further tweaks to the game:

  • Loot will now give out honour and prestige for successful attempts.
  • A bug was fixed with attacks saying all buildings are burnt out when they were not
  • You will receive more prestige the higher the rank of the player that you attack is
  • You will receive more prestige for attacking and causing damage to a persons turf who has more prestige than the average of your team, or singularly if he/she has more prestige than you.
  • All messages and log reports now reflect a colour coded, and more graphic representation of what you earnt in the attacks.



Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

We’ve made a few changes to Heavies:

  • Heightened weight in attack defense.
  • They now have scaling requirements for each rank / level.
  • The higher rank you are the less energy a heavy will take to train also the more you will be able to train simultaneously.
  • Your gyms stats will determine an extra bonus on training time, of per 500 combined stats -1 second from the build time for each type of heavy. Reaching a minimum amount at a certain level which the time to build will not get any smaller than.
  • The build cost per heavy will increase per rank, as you are a bigger target and more difficult to protect and your hourly cost will also increase dependant on your rank.

Street Crime Staff

Todays tweaks

Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

Today we have made several changes to areas of conflict on Street Crime.

  • Chase time has been increased to 30 minutes
  • Players can be attempted to be killed even when their turf is in transit
  • Prestige is now given for making successful kills
  • Prestige and honour are now correctly given for both Attack and Carbombs (tried and tested).
  • Attack attempts now show your overall damage points (the red badge in each log to the right)
  • Attacks will now attempt to destroy security in the order they can be built
  • Attacks will now allocate any remainding damage to pad security.
  • Damage incurred to your pad security will be shown at the pad security tab within your pad
  • Pad security & heavies now must be destroyed before any damage can be done to buildings
  • Damage reported to buildings when you destroy via carbomb will now not show 100% it will show the amount of damage handed by the attack, at all times
  • We’ve fixed spy turf reports, they will now always reflect the damage currently at the turf, when successful

Thats about it for todays fixes, we are monitoring closely this week our conflict features in the hope that we can improve them further from the data we collate. But today was a nice start and we hope you’ll agree.

Street Crime Staff

New Memberships

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

Today we have released a revamp of our memberships to make them much more appealing. Previously there were 2 membership types, Premium and Premium +. Now we have simplified the system and made just one membership type which has everything from the old memberships plus a whole lot more!

The new memberships boast a range of features such extra energy, rank bar, reduced wait timers, auto bullet and lead production, 10 free text messages, access to the members bar and much more. For a full list of the perks that a Membership gives you click here >>

If you purchase an a monthly recurring membership or buy an annual membership you get the extra added bonus of a discounted price. Not only that, we will also give you free credits, free gifts and enter you into our weekly and monthly prize giveaways where you can win some fantastic prizes!

Check out the new memberships >>

Note: All previous memberships (activated or un-activated) have been converted to the new membership system

Street Crime Staff

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