Archive for March, 2015

A New Dawn

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015


My names Dave (Synthasize) i’ve been the owner and later the co-owner of Street Crime for as long as it has run.

Street Crime has enjoyed some good years and lately some not so great ones, it’s path has had many transitions, versions and re-incarnations. Through the 7 years we’ve been lucky to have had more than 100,000 players register and play, this is both humbling and amazing! So, thank you for being a part of that!

As Street Crime has grown up and matured and so have the guys behind it. I myself am quickly approaching my 30th birthday, long gone are the days of hacking on Street Crime in my university room, the days of no responsibility, and so indeed are the days where it was acceptable to not get dressed all day!

With that in mind Elliot (Sylar to most of you) has decided to bow out of managing/building Street Crime and I have decided to carry on solo. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Elliot for everything both as a colleague and a dear friend.

So what does this mean for you?

In short this means, bug fixing, new features, new servers, a game mechanics overhaul, version 5, and a game reset.

Over the next few months I plan on releasing what I am dubbing “Version 5” of Street Crime. I’ve been carefully listening to feedback and combining that with my own vision for the future of Street Crime.

How as a player will I see this happen?

After you have logged in, you will see a new version number on the main page, this indicates which version of Street Crime is currently running. Each week/fortnight I will increment this until we get to what I think is worthy of Version 5. For example next time you login you will see version 5.0.0-alpha1. This will be incremented to alpha2 etc until we reach a beta which will be something close to a stable release of version 5. Each time this version changes a blog post and posts on our social media outlets will be made, explaining what has been done, and letting you all know what the impact/opportunities from these changes are. So please keep an eye out for regular updates.

I’m personally stoked about working on Street Crime again, I look forward to seeing some old faces back and actively playing.

With all that said i’m REALLY excited to invite you all back for the next chapter of Street Crime’s journey.

Stay tuned!


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