Archive for the ‘Street Crime News’ Category

Happy Christmas….

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

We want to take the opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas. 2011 is going to be an exciting year for Street Crime with lots of new features being released.

As with last year we have re-released the Christmas Tree which you can build on your Turf. The Christmas Tree gives out 1 free gift everyday. The gifts vary from normal in game items to credit items such as planning orders, money, bullets and more.

Street Crime Staff

Gangsters of Street Crime we have some exciting news!

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

Good morning gangsters of Street Crime, we’ve been a little quiet lately, but let your mind rest at ease its all with good reason! We’ve been very busy lately working on several massive additions to Street Crime and talking about how we can take the game forward and make it more exciting for you, our loyal Gangsters. We’ve now come up with a set of great new additions that you are going to see hit the streets of crime in the near future.

Our aim all along and one that we’ve just realised we need to push forward to achieve, is that we not only want to be a recognised Gangster game on the web! We want to be the bloody BEST gangster game on the web! So here we are pledging to you that over the next few months your in for some real and big treats as we push Street Crime forward!

Of course the question that you all want to know the answer to: when will Kill come out? Well we can tell you, very shortly. We don’t want to give an exact date away until we are 100% ready to go but what we can tell you is its all going really well and we think you’ll have some real fun when it comes out 😉

We’ve overhauled our shop facility so that it now includes a much more friendly payment system, merchandise, a price per credit identifier (so that you can weigh up the discount of buying more at once) and recurring memberships yay!

We’ve also decided to overhaul our membership features on Street Crime, although it will remain free to play, of course 🙂 we are making the games premium features more prominent and advantageous, whilst also adding the ability to buy different terms ie a 1 month code, 1 month recurring code, 3 month membership, or a 1 year membership. All offering a tidy discount for the longer your willing to become a member for! You will also notice when this goes live that we are changing the names of our codes from the current “Premium” & “Premium+” to “Premium” & “Elite”. Each offering positive and clear benefits from a free account and from one another! Again we don’t want to give too much away, but rest assured anyone with a premium or premium+ code will end up with the “Premium” status when the change is made.

Also we’ve been working hard on what we are now dubbing as Version 4.0 of Street Crime, which includes mobile support and a fancy new standard interface with the option to tone it down to a fully backwards compatible interface, which will help all you iPhone, iPad and all other mobile device players. The new interface includes a much more friendly general layout, intuitive menus and improved tutorial and sign up process for new players, to try and improve the initial experience of a new player in the hope that we might retain them.

We’ve also been making various tweaks behind the scenes as we gear the game up for hugely anticipated kill feature.

After our little stint of darkness and confusion we welcome you to Street Crime and the revolution, the next few months will be big ones for us and all of our players, its our promise!

Stay tuned

Street Crime Staff

Government adjusts budget for resources

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

Due to a rise in inflation the government has adjusted the amount it is willing to pay for lead resources to fuel its bullet factories. The lower in take of resources over the previous few months has left the government needing to take action with the following adjustments.

  • Lead will now be purchased from players for a higher price
  • Bullet factories will now produce 1,500 bullets per hour
  • Bullet factory prices have increased to $5,000 per bullet
  • The lead received from scrapping cars has been adjusted

Street Crime Staff

Terms of service – Public use of foul language

Sunday, November 28th, 2010

After a few events tonight, I would like to re-iterate our stance on the use of foul and abusive language within the game. We do not want to be forced to a point where we feel that we have to censor every publicly viewable point in the game and we do understand at certain times or due to certain frustrations swearing is often a good way to let off steam. However we do not and will not ever accept the use of such foul language being used in forums or public chat.

Foul language used randomly or provocatively has absolutely no place in our game nor our society and if your found to be guilty of using it you will be punished for doing so. We hold the right to ban you for as long as little time as we feel the crime deserves.

Needless to say, we are trying to build a community of respect and decency, where adult behavior is striven for and where we as human beings behave as you would expect anyone to in real life. Of course this is an RPG game where you get to perhaps play someone that is not yourself and maybe thats your style, however let it be known that if your style involves acting in a way thats just not acceptable, it will not be tolerated either way.

Hopefully over time we can build a community and together we can build it upon respect and honour, two virtues held with the utmost regard in any criminal empire!

Street Crime Staff

Attack – Loot: Released Next Week

Saturday, November 20th, 2010

After the successful launch of Car Bomb it is now time to implement the next stage of our attack system. The next stage will be Loot which enables teams of up to 6 gangsters equipped with weapons and special items such as Duffel bags and Hard cash cases to steal uncollected rent from another gangsters turf.

Loot will be released on Thursday 25th November (yes we are aware we managed to get this wrong in the email, were all human) 2010 @ 18:00 Loot will give those gangsters who want to get their own back a chance toinflict further damage on their enemies by raiding their turf and stealing uncollected cash. Turf provides a steady flow of income to a large number of gangsters therefore disrupting that could hit your enemies where it hurts.

You may be aware that over the past couple of weeks a couple of new items have become available, Duffel bag and Hard cash case, these will enable you to bag up any cash you can get your hands on and jump back in the awaiting getaway car! You can find these items by doing Petty Crimes, GTA’s or Jobs. Don’t want to find the items? Keep your eye on the auctions.

Other News

We hope you enjoyed the Car Bomb and Zombie Slayer competitions which took place a few weeks ago! Look out in the build up to christmas for some special gifts and competitions from Santa! For those who won a T-Shirt we have posted the t-shirts today so you can expect to receive yours soon. We hope you like the t-shirts, if you want to show it off send a picture of you wearing it to an Admin.

A revamped Street Crime shop will open in the near future, which will include a small merchandise section, so those of you who are interested in our merchandise, will have the ability to purchase it from the store.

Street Crime Staff

New Turf Spy Reports

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

We’ve just pushed a small update to the way turf reports now work. Turf reports will now generate a report which shows in much more detail what is at the turf you spied on. However working against your rank and your spy will be the rank of the person your spying on and there heavies. This will effect the quality of the information that your spy will be able to report and make the report less complete/accurate.

This is a necessary step in preparation for the Loot attack type.

You will be able to view reports for all turf spies sent after 18:00 today but not before.

Street Crime Staff

Halloween Weekend + New Items

Friday, October 29th, 2010

As its Halloween this weekend and we always try and do something fun for the major holidays / events across the year and as our poll that we ran during this week suggests the majority of you would like to see Zombie Slayer back. We have decided to give our friendly Street Crime Zombies another outing.

In the usual manner at 18:00 game time this evening the Zombies will be unleashed onto the streets of Street Crime. Special prizes will be available for the top 5 players and top 3 crews who accrue the most points through slaying Zombies.

Halloween Special Items

In addition to this we have added the old classic’s back to the street crime store. This includes Brain Slushies, Bat Juice and Warewolf Moonlight they can be found under the offers tab of the store and will be available until monday morning at 09:00 game time.

We have also added the special pumpkin item to be found again though normal methods of finding items as you play the game.

New Items

On top of this we have released 2 new items into circulation, the “Duffle Bag” and the “Hard Case Suitcase” these are both brand new items. They have specific usages in the upcoming attack feature called Loot, they are only able to be stolen through usual means, I.E a pettycrime or a gta.

We hope you like the changes & Happy Halloween.

Street Crime Staff

New Feature: Pillory

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

Consolidating our recent change in terms of service, we have released a new feature that names and shames those players that get banned called Pillory.

As per traditions of age old civilizations and societies, we have chosen to add further punishment to players who get banned by putting them to public trial, also better known as Pillory. The pillory was a device made of a wooden or metal framework erected on a post, with holes for securing the head and hands, formerly used for punishment by public humiliation and physical abuse.

We hope in doing so it will give an additional reason to not get banned and make sure your following our TOS at all times. For those of you who already do, its a bit of fun for the good guys!

Pillory can be found in the main menu on the left or continuously in the footer besides the link to the TOS.


Changes To Our Terms Of Use

Monday, October 18th, 2010

Today we made some changes to our terms of use. Due to recent accusations and finger waving we have decided that it needed to be updated to show you that we are an honest company trying to build the best possible game for you guys and girls playing it. We feel that the new Terms of service now fully represents both all of the information we feel you should be aware of but also all of the information of which we feel you should have access to.

There is nothing particularly new about this terms of service compared to other games, so do not be alarmed, essentially we have just updated it and made it more comprehensive.

Please make sure you do give up 10 minutes of your time to read and agree to the terms of service, if you agree and do not read it then you will struggle to stay in compliance with all of the areas it covers. If you do not agree with it, then you will no longer be able to play Street Crime.

Competition – Government plans crack down on crime

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

Over the past few days on Street Crime there have been some strange goings on. Rumours of a government clamp down on criminal activity, government meetings being held and plans being made on how to combat the rising amount of crime on Street Crime.

Clamp down begins on Friday 15th October 2010 @ 16:00

Government Plans

The government held a meeting late into yesterday evening and decided upon a strict regime to combat the recent spat of crime.

Each city will now have 5 police buildings to patrol the city this includes 4 police towers and a headquarters. Each police tower will concentrate on one aspect of crime whether it be money laundering, illegal gambling or bullet production.

In order to gain back control of each of these aspects of each city you must work together to destroy each of these buildings which in turn will allow the continuation of illegal activity on the streets.

The Prizes

There are a number of prizes on offer throughout this competition including in game items such as credits, memberships and special items but also Street Crimes first ever merchandise! That’s right we have 8 t-shirts to be given away for those who successfully destroy a police headquarters.

Individual Prizes: 8 of the 16 gangsters involved in blowing up headquarters will receive a t-shirt bundle with the remaining 8 receiving the car bomb bundle. Both bundles include the Car Bomb competition medal.

Crew Prizes: The top 3 crews will each receive 3, 2 and 1 days worth of access to the boss of bosses. Each of these crews will also gain a Car Bomb competition medal.

Note: Winners of t-shirts will have a first come first serve choice on sizes. There is a maximum of 1 t-shirt per person.

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