Archive for the ‘Street Crime News’ Category

New Competition – Government Crack Down

Friday, October 8th, 2010

At a recent summit of governments controlling street crimes individual capital cities, all countries were in agreement that crime rates in there capital cities were un-acceptable. They thus have devised a new strict crack down on all crime in these areas and are imposing restrictions on particular aspects of society to try and stump gangster like behaviour and hit gangsters where it hurts the most.

In a statement to the public, government officials mentioned a few areas they are going to be cracking down hard on – Jail processing, anti social gambling and through the roof interest rates. The rest they implied would be kept secret and under wraps until the time comes.

Over the next 10 days the police will start to roll out there plans in each city, as they do, gangsters of these cities should pay close attention to what they are doing.

Street Crimes News Team will be reporting special news flashes with further developments over the next 10 days.

New credit items in store now!

Friday, October 1st, 2010

We have recently introduced 3 new credit items into the Credit Store. Each of these items has a different benefit to you as a gangster so take a look and see if you think you need one.

The FNSLV is the fastest and safest ship available on Street Crime. It allows you to ship your vehicles 75% safer and 50% quicker! Available in the store for only 30 credits.
The Fast Fitting item allows you to equip your cars with explosives 50% faster for 5 days! This means you can add a C4 to a vehicle in just 3 minutes and 20 seconds. Available in the store for only 25 credits.
Peace Time stops other gangsters from attacking you and mugging you for 24 hours. You cannot attack or mug other gangsters whilst you are in peace time. Getting brutally attacked or just fancy a breather? Add peace time to your account now for only 40 credits.

All of these items, including some other excellent items, are available now in the Street Crime Store.

Car Bomb goes live!

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

Thats right! Car bomb is now live on Street Crime. All those times you wished you could get your own back on those guys who steal your cars and mug you? Well now you can! Car Bomb allows a team of 2 gangsters to plan an attack on another gangsters turf to disrupt their income and destroy their buildings.

To start a car bomb you can go to Attack in the Crime & Conflict menu. A car bomb requires you to have the location of the Turf of the gangster you want to attack before you can begin. You will also need to visit the Chop Shop which you can find at the Stores page to get a car fitted out with some explosives.

If you want some advanced warning to an incoming attack you can purchase the Turf Snooper from the Credit Store which will give you advanced warning to incoming attacks for 7 days!

This is the first part of a 4 part attack system, we will be monitoring this section of attack before we continue to roll out further additions to the attack system which include Looting, Car Heists and Attacking another gangster! Car Bomb is currently in a BETA mode, if you find any problems or issues please make sure you submit a Helpdesk ticket.

We hope you have fun car bombing others!

Street Crime Staff

Car Bomb Release Date Announced

Friday, September 10th, 2010

It has been a long and winding road for Street Crime in terms of the Attack system. Many ideas have come and gone in the past months as we aimed to make it something worthwhile. With a plan in progress we began working on the system which if you look back at previous posts you will be aware comes in 4 parts: Car Bomb, Car Heist, Loot and Attack.

The time has come for us to release the first part of attack, yes you read it right, which will be Car Bomb. The car bomb system will involve a team of 2 players, the leader packs a car full of C4 explosives and a detonator. They then make their way to the enemies turf and attempt to detonate the car bomb and make their escape. If successful, car bombs can do significant damage to a small amount of buildings, disrupting cash flow, lead and bullet production.

Car bomb will be released on Thurs 23rd September @ 4pm.

Car bomb will give you that opportunity to gain some revenge on those gangsters who think they’re better than you, its pay back time! See how much destruction you can cause on your enemies turf by setting car bombs off outside their buildings! There is also a possibility of other updates being released at this time so make sure you’re online to find out what they are!

Other news

We are aware that we have been quiet over the past month or two but we can assure you we are working hard behind the scenes to ensure Street Crime develops as we all want it to.

There have been various tweaks which you may have seen whilst playing the game such as new cars, upgrades to Porn Studio and a smoother running game. We will continue to develop the attack system as we push out the remaining 3 parts to complete the attack system implementation which you have all been waiting for.

Street Crime Staff

Scheduled Update To Users Inbox

Monday, August 2nd, 2010

As our user base grows and the community continues to send more and more messages to each other, we have hit a snag. You guys are now sending and storing so many messages that our database is getting pretty tricky to handle, but thats great, fantastic infact. What’s not so fantastic for our poor little server is users having over 5,500 stored messages, this is because as our user base grows, 5,500 messages per user is not a sustainable figure. Do the math 20,000 x 5,500 = 110,000,000 rows of inbox data. Although we haven’t yet reached that insane figure, thank god, we do need to take some precautionary action to improve the following things.

  1. Improve inbox load speeds
  2. Reduce data redundancy
  3. Improve the efficiency of code and database use

Over the last few days we have been monitoring the situation and as of tommorow at 11:00 game time. We will be implementing a few pre-liminary things:

  1. We will be capping everyones inbox to a maximum of 500 messages and periodically deleting any surplus messages.
  2. We will also be improving and building an archiving system for older messages or inactive players. So they do not effect the speed and efficiency of the service that our active players receive.

If you have any messages you would like to keep then you can move them forward to within your first 500 messages by deleting other messages, or if your feeling particuarly helpful you can simply remove your entire inbox by using the delete all messages, if you have got nothing in there you wish to keep.

Thanks for your co-operation.

Street Crime Staff

Attack Update

Tuesday, July 27th, 2010

Attack Progress

After alot of deliberation, tinkering and changing of ideas, about a month ago we finally decided after massive planning exactly how the eagerly anticipated attack feature will work. This is the very first time we have revealed anything about it to the players, so keep reading if you want to learn about some of the key elements.

The attack feature consists of 4 main attack types, importantly they offer differing effects.

  1. Attack – A team of up to 7 players can attack another player, if successful they will kill heavies and damage turf buildings. Importantly if the pad health reaches 0% health, the player they are attackings location is revealed and private detectives can be hired to hunt him/her down. Enabling a single player to head for a one on one kill attempt.
  2. Car Bomb – A team of 2 players is required, the leader packs a car full of c4 explosives and a detonator from the weapons store. They then make their way to the enemies turf and attempt to detonate the car bomb and make their escape. If successful, car bombs can do significant damage to a small amount of buildings, disrupting cash flow, lead and bullet production.
  3. Car Heist – A team of up to 7 players can come together, usually as a crew to raid an enemy crews members garage, tooled up to the teeth with 6 new car stealing gadget items, in true gone in 60 seconds fashion they try and make their getaway with as many vehicles as they can.
  4. Loot – A team of up to 7 players equipped with weaponry and special new items such as the duffel bag and the hard cash case can make their way to the enemies turf to steal un-collected rent. If successful a loot attack will kill heavies and bag and grab as much cash as they can fit in their duffle bags and cash suitcases.

Every attack type takes place in a special attack page, with its own team chat to make it easier to organise your goons. The first attack type which is due to be released will be the ‘Car Bomb’. A date for this will be announced shortly.

More to follow.

Street Crime Staff

Mug update and Hospital Importance

Monday, July 26th, 2010

Tonight we made a small but significant update to our mug and hospital systems and most importantly how they now interact. Mug has never before carried very much weight, it was a lightweight crime where you could steal a few bucks from a foe or friend, but never taken seriously. As of today, a successful mug attempt on another player will throw them into hospital for a short amount of time so they can recover. If you attempt to mug someone and fail you will also end up in hospital.

A new item has been introduced to shorten your hospital times called a “Morphine” hit. These can be found in the game in the form of morphine syringes and with each one used will reduce your hospital time by 2 minutes.

You can also now steal significantly more cash from another player than before and have an increased likelyhood of really annoying the other player with hospital hits.

Remember if your being hit by mug attempts regularly there are a number of things you can do, hide in your pad, move cities and buy the custody protection from the credits market (this will be available as of later this evening). All of these will prevent mug attempts from being made on you but will limit what you can do in the game (applies to all except flying to another city).

We hope you like it.
Street Crime Staff

Personal Bullet Factory Changes

Tuesday, July 20th, 2010

From now on personal bullet factories will no longer automatically produce bullets.

To produce bullets you must visit your bullet factory from your turf and press the “Produce Bullets” button.

Bullets can be produced once per hour and the size of your factory will depend on the number of bullets that can be produced.

This change will benefit active players as you will be required to visit your factory to continue to produce the bullets.

Street Crime Staff

Crew Zombie Prizes Announced

Monday, June 28th, 2010

After alot of hard work to make a prize worthy of winning and after alot of effort was put into the competition we have now released the crew prizes to the top 3 crews in the Zombie Slayer competition.

Each of the crews will have access to “The boss of bosses” from midnight tonight for 7, 5 and 3 days respectively based on the position of the crew in the competition. The boss of bosses gives out a range of exclusive gifts and rewards, some of which cannot be found anywhere else on Street Crime. The boss of bosses will hand out up to 5 gifts/rewards per day.

All the prizes are crew based and therefore in order to get the prizes you must work together as the boss of bosses is only available for 4 hours per day and each gangster can only visit the boss once every 12 hours.

If you manage to collect a gift/reward this will be added to your Crew Loot and the Crew Boss will choose when the gift/reward is to be used. The boss of bosses and the crew loot features can be accessed from the Crew Headquarters.

Congratulations to the crews that worked hard in the competition, better luck next time to those who didn’t manage to finish in the top 3.

Street Crime Staff

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