Archive for the ‘Version 5’ Category

Casino pickup bug FIXED

Tuesday, April 17th, 2018


All existing casino & bulletfactory owners who obtained assets through auctions will now have an expiry time of 7 days set on their assets. This was a bug in the auction code which skipped adding a Mayor license for asset when obtaining the asset through the auctions and not through pickups.

Casino pickup bug is now fixed. Here is a run down of the important new features summary.

  • Casinos can be picked up and held for 7 days, after 7 days the mayor will automatically drop the casino/bullet factory unless otherwise sold before hand.
  • The owner of a casino may not return to hold the same casino in the same city again for 14 days, after 14 days the mayor will re-grant a new license for this casino type.
  • The mayor will grant a license for 1 casino of each type to a player, only if they do not already own an asset of the same type in another city
  • A countdown to expiry will be displayed on a players profile next to the already displayed city asset (so that players may choose to come online and attempt to pick it up as it drops)
  • If you sell the casino at auction and then attempt to re-buy you will not be able to.

In the absence of a kill system to displace long standing holders of casinos we needed to introduce something which would fairly give all players an equal chance to hold the most fought over assets in the game.

Small update, more to come soon.

City assets start being released tonight + 5.1.0 code version

Monday, June 5th, 2017


Some updates went into the codebase over the weekend.

New license expiry for city assets. The city mayors will only grant you a license to any city asset for 7 days. After which it will drop if you have not auctioned it before hand.

You will then not be able to re-own the asset for a further 7 days (so 15 days after picking up and 7 days after it dropping again).

City assets will be dropping or being auctioned almost everyday for 1 month. So get online to try and claim yours.

Good luck

City asset release schedule released

Sunday, May 21st, 2017

Good evening,

As promised, changes are coming. The first of which is the city assets being generally released to the gangsters of Street Crime. The city mayors have agreed to drop some and auction others.

The full schedule can be found below and or at this link (if you are logged in) –

To accompany the release of these city assets and in the absence of attack/kill functionality the mayors of each city will only be granting 1 week licenses to each city asset and its owner. When the license expires the asset will drop, and be available for pick up by another gangster. A gangster may own the same asset more than once, however not consecutively.

Additionally trade has been shut for the foreseeable future while functionality is rectified.


Find the schedule below;

City Asset Event type Event time
Amsterdam Blackjack drop 18-July-2017 @ 22:30:00
Amsterdam Roulette drop 12-June-2017 @ 03:30:00
Amsterdam Yahtzee auction 28-June-2017 @ 03:30:00
Amsterdam Keno auction 12-July-2017 @ 03:30:00
Amsterdam Numbers drop 25-June-2017 @ 05:30:00
Amsterdam War auction 06-June-2017 @ 01:30:00
Amsterdam Bulletfactory drop 12-June-2017 @ 22:30:00
Bogota Blackjack drop 07-June-2017 @ 01:30:00
Bogota Roulette drop 08-June-2017 @ 00:30:00
Bogota Yahtzee drop 12-July-2017 @ 22:30:00
Bogota Keno drop 19-July-2017 @ 23:30:00
Bogota Numbers auction 08-June-2017 @ 00:30:00
Bogota War drop 09-July-2017 @ 02:30:00
Bogota Bulletfactory drop 06-July-2017 @ 05:30:00
Las Vegas Blackjack auction 29-June-2017 @ 16:30:00
Las Vegas Roulette auction 25-June-2017 @ 14:30:00
Las Vegas Yahtzee drop 05-July-2017 @ 23:30:00
Las Vegas Keno drop 11-June-2017 @ 03:30:00
Las Vegas Numbers auction 17-July-2017 @ 23:30:00
Las Vegas War auction 16-June-2017 @ 15:30:00
Las Vegas Bulletfactory drop 06-July-2017 @ 16:30:00
London Blackjack auction 22-June-2017 @ 03:30:00
London Roulette auction 23-June-2017 @ 16:30:00
London Yahtzee auction 12-June-2017 @ 01:30:00
London Keno auction 20-June-2017 @ 02:30:00
London Numbers auction 08-July-2017 @ 17:30:00
London War auction 17-July-2017 @ 13:30:00
London Bulletfactory auction 11-July-2017 @ 22:30:00
Moscow Blackjack auction 14-June-2017 @ 18:30:00
Moscow Roulette auction 13-June-2017 @ 20:30:00
Moscow Yahtzee auction 05-July-2017 @ 00:30:00
Moscow Keno auction 29-June-2017 @ 15:30:00
Moscow Numbers auction 05-June-2017 @ 18:30:00
Moscow War auction 16-July-2017 @ 17:30:00
Moscow Bulletfactory drop 07-June-2017 @ 18:30:00
New York Blackjack drop 13-July-2017 @ 16:30:00
New York Roulette drop 12-June-2017 @ 23:30:00
New York Yahtzee auction 07-June-2017 @ 20:30:00
New York Keno drop 23-June-2017 @ 16:30:00
New York Numbers drop 04-July-2017 @ 04:30:00
New York War auction 23-June-2017 @ 03:30:00
New York Bulletfactory drop 20-June-2017 @ 15:30:00
Rome Blackjack auction 27-June-2017 @ 12:30:00
Rome Roulette auction 08-July-2017 @ 15:30:00
Rome Yahtzee auction 19-July-2017 @ 14:30:00
Rome Keno auction 12-June-2017 @ 13:30:00
Rome Numbers drop 08-June-2017 @ 19:30:00
Rome War drop 18-June-2017 @ 01:30:00
Rome Bulletfactory drop 15-June-2017 @ 05:30:00
Tokyo Blackjack auction 10-June-2017 @ 17:30:00
Tokyo Roulette drop 26-June-2017 @ 18:30:00
Tokyo Yahtzee drop 10-July-2017 @ 12:30:00
Tokyo Keno auction 26-June-2017 @ 02:30:00
Tokyo Numbers auction 08-July-2017 @ 22:30:00
Tokyo War drop 13-June-2017 @ 01:30:00
Tokyo Bulletfactory drop 22-June-2017 @ 02:30:00

Updates coming – city asset drop schedule + fresh features

Thursday, May 11th, 2017

Hi gangsters of Street Crime!

I have some exciting news. Next week I will announce the schedule for releasing city assets into circulation and introduce how we are going to keep Street Crime fresh and fun whilst I work on some other modifications to the core attack/kill functionality.

Announcement will come next monday the 15/05/2017.


v5.0 and Reset 3rd of July 2016

Tuesday, June 28th, 2016

A little while back we promised an update of Street Crime.

Finally, that time has come!

On the 3rd of July 16:00 GMT Street Crime v5.0 will be released and the game will be reset. On this day the only thing that will remain is your character. Even your characters rank will have been reset.

Along with the reset comes a whole bunch of bug fixes and tweaks to existing features. Such as changes to plot, re-introduction of trade, and UI improvements.

Players whom previously purchased credits in the old version of Street Crime (v4.0) will have legitimate original credits returned, but not until the 1st of August. This is to avoid the balance of the game being upset again.

This release has deliberately been kept very minimal. In order to restore parity to the game and get us moving forward in a fair world.

It would be our pleasure to see you all there 3rd July 2016 16:00 GMT.

More information to follow later this week.

Pre-register with the email address that you will use to sign up to a new account after the reset and receive 2 energy packs completely free. Worth 80 credits (£10.72).

Pre Register for v5.0 Now

See you online!

Reset and v5 Game Update

Sunday, January 10th, 2016

Reset and v5 Game Update

Good evening,

I (Synthasize) would like to wish you a very Happy New Year, I hope you are all settling nicely in to 2016!

As you know, with every new year, comes new change. 2016 is the year for Street crime to jump forward into a better place, creating a greater experience to be enjoyed by all. I for one am ready to see the game shine back to its former glory. As you can expect with every new beginning, comes a little sacrifice. I must begin with a game reset to create stabilisation, in order to release new exciting things to come.

The Reset

When? Sunday January 24th 20:00 GMT

Some information about the reset;

  • All money and items will be completely wiped from the game.
  • All accounts will be removed and you will need to re-sign up with new ones.
  • Credits purchased and un-used will be held in a quarantine for 14 days, before being released.
  • Memberships active on your previous accounts, will be carried onto the next account. Providing you use the same email address to sign up.
  • All crews and domination will be removed.
  • All profiles will need to be recreated.
  • All casinos and city assets will be owned by State and made slowly available for ownership/purchase throughout the month of February.
  • Trade will remain closed.
  • Attack will be turned on after 7 days.
  • I will be actively looking for new helpdesks.
  • Promotional adverts will be created (to drive some new users to the site).
  • Voting rewards for external sites are increased.

v5 Game Update

Included in the January 24th reset is a new release of the game dubbed v5. This includes the below features;

This release is not a big release and focuses mostly on stabilisation.

  • Tweaks to Plot feature.
  • Re-enabling of Attacks.
  • Tweaks to heavies Feature.
  • Solid reporting functions and centralised cash + item handlers.
  • Tweaks to the UI.
  • Removal of the external shop, there will no longer be the option of purchasing credits after you die and before you return.
  • Simplified account death system. Opportunity to lose less when killed.
  • Tweaks to returning accounts ability to be attacked/attack.
  • External site voting rewards are increased.

See you soon!


Version 5 Progress Update

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Credit Shop

Some weeks back I posted my intentions for Street Crime. I am conscious that it’s now been a month or so since this update and I haven’t posted any further progress reports. So here’s what I have been up to;

  • I have collated information from various sources and found new bugs with the help of many of you (you know who you are, and will get a full mention in the credits of the new version).
  • I have moved the game to new servers.
  • Put the foundations in for better more robust development of the game going forward.
  • I have squashed a number of bugs (these are currently in testing)
  • And I am redeveloping several areas of the game. They are getting a medium sized overhaul and it will change the dynamic of the game. I am excited about this.

The question everyone wants to know is whether or not the game will be reset when the work is complete. The answer, yes. Let me clarify on a few things that will happen when the reset happens;

  • The game will be entirely reset.
  • Each player will need to sign up with a new account
  • If your email has/was used on a previous account, a lookup against memberships/credits/some credit items will be made and these items will be returned to you.
  • Stricter rules around duping will be implemented
  • Assets will be slowly released into the community

I expect to make a new code release to the game shortly. However, I do not have a date for the proposed reset, just yet.

I’ll be sure to try and post more regular updates in the future.

A New Dawn

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015


My names Dave (Synthasize) i’ve been the owner and later the co-owner of Street Crime for as long as it has run.

Street Crime has enjoyed some good years and lately some not so great ones, it’s path has had many transitions, versions and re-incarnations. Through the 7 years we’ve been lucky to have had more than 100,000 players register and play, this is both humbling and amazing! So, thank you for being a part of that!

As Street Crime has grown up and matured and so have the guys behind it. I myself am quickly approaching my 30th birthday, long gone are the days of hacking on Street Crime in my university room, the days of no responsibility, and so indeed are the days where it was acceptable to not get dressed all day!

With that in mind Elliot (Sylar to most of you) has decided to bow out of managing/building Street Crime and I have decided to carry on solo. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Elliot for everything both as a colleague and a dear friend.

So what does this mean for you?

In short this means, bug fixing, new features, new servers, a game mechanics overhaul, version 5, and a game reset.

Over the next few months I plan on releasing what I am dubbing “Version 5” of Street Crime. I’ve been carefully listening to feedback and combining that with my own vision for the future of Street Crime.

How as a player will I see this happen?

After you have logged in, you will see a new version number on the main page, this indicates which version of Street Crime is currently running. Each week/fortnight I will increment this until we get to what I think is worthy of Version 5. For example next time you login you will see version 5.0.0-alpha1. This will be incremented to alpha2 etc until we reach a beta which will be something close to a stable release of version 5. Each time this version changes a blog post and posts on our social media outlets will be made, explaining what has been done, and letting you all know what the impact/opportunities from these changes are. So please keep an eye out for regular updates.

I’m personally stoked about working on Street Crime again, I look forward to seeing some old faces back and actively playing.

With all that said i’m REALLY excited to invite you all back for the next chapter of Street Crime’s journey.

Stay tuned!


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