Posts Tagged ‘game update’

Reset and v5 Game Update

Sunday, January 10th, 2016

Reset and v5 Game Update

Good evening,

I (Synthasize) would like to wish you a very Happy New Year, I hope you are all settling nicely in to 2016!

As you know, with every new year, comes new change. 2016 is the year for Street crime to jump forward into a better place, creating a greater experience to be enjoyed by all. I for one am ready to see the game shine back to its former glory. As you can expect with every new beginning, comes a little sacrifice. I must begin with a game reset to create stabilisation, in order to release new exciting things to come.

The Reset

When? Sunday January 24th 20:00 GMT

Some information about the reset;

  • All money and items will be completely wiped from the game.
  • All accounts will be removed and you will need to re-sign up with new ones.
  • Credits purchased and un-used will be held in a quarantine for 14 days, before being released.
  • Memberships active on your previous accounts, will be carried onto the next account. Providing you use the same email address to sign up.
  • All crews and domination will be removed.
  • All profiles will need to be recreated.
  • All casinos and city assets will be owned by State and made slowly available for ownership/purchase throughout the month of February.
  • Trade will remain closed.
  • Attack will be turned on after 7 days.
  • I will be actively looking for new helpdesks.
  • Promotional adverts will be created (to drive some new users to the site).
  • Voting rewards for external sites are increased.

v5 Game Update

Included in the January 24th reset is a new release of the game dubbed v5. This includes the below features;

This release is not a big release and focuses mostly on stabilisation.

  • Tweaks to Plot feature.
  • Re-enabling of Attacks.
  • Tweaks to heavies Feature.
  • Solid reporting functions and centralised cash + item handlers.
  • Tweaks to the UI.
  • Removal of the external shop, there will no longer be the option of purchasing credits after you die and before you return.
  • Simplified account death system. Opportunity to lose less when killed.
  • Tweaks to returning accounts ability to be attacked/attack.
  • External site voting rewards are increased.

See you soon!


Version 5 Progress Update

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Credit Shop

Some weeks back I posted my intentions for Street Crime. I am conscious that it’s now been a month or so since this update and I haven’t posted any further progress reports. So here’s what I have been up to;

  • I have collated information from various sources and found new bugs with the help of many of you (you know who you are, and will get a full mention in the credits of the new version).
  • I have moved the game to new servers.
  • Put the foundations in for better more robust development of the game going forward.
  • I have squashed a number of bugs (these are currently in testing)
  • And I am redeveloping several areas of the game. They are getting a medium sized overhaul and it will change the dynamic of the game. I am excited about this.

The question everyone wants to know is whether or not the game will be reset when the work is complete. The answer, yes. Let me clarify on a few things that will happen when the reset happens;

  • The game will be entirely reset.
  • Each player will need to sign up with a new account
  • If your email has/was used on a previous account, a lookup against memberships/credits/some credit items will be made and these items will be returned to you.
  • Stricter rules around duping will be implemented
  • Assets will be slowly released into the community

I expect to make a new code release to the game shortly. However, I do not have a date for the proposed reset, just yet.

I’ll be sure to try and post more regular updates in the future.

Respect Point : Update

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

Previously the respect point system gave each player a respect point per day, two if you are a Premium Member. This has now been changed so that you will only receive respect points if you are Paper Boy / Girl or above.

Get ranking to earn those respect points!

Street Crime Staff

Car Bomb Release Date Announced

Friday, September 10th, 2010

It has been a long and winding road for Street Crime in terms of the Attack system. Many ideas have come and gone in the past months as we aimed to make it something worthwhile. With a plan in progress we began working on the system which if you look back at previous posts you will be aware comes in 4 parts: Car Bomb, Car Heist, Loot and Attack.

The time has come for us to release the first part of attack, yes you read it right, which will be Car Bomb. The car bomb system will involve a team of 2 players, the leader packs a car full of C4 explosives and a detonator. They then make their way to the enemies turf and attempt to detonate the car bomb and make their escape. If successful, car bombs can do significant damage to a small amount of buildings, disrupting cash flow, lead and bullet production.

Car bomb will be released on Thurs 23rd September @ 4pm.

Car bomb will give you that opportunity to gain some revenge on those gangsters who think they’re better than you, its pay back time! See how much destruction you can cause on your enemies turf by setting car bombs off outside their buildings! There is also a possibility of other updates being released at this time so make sure you’re online to find out what they are!

Other news

We are aware that we have been quiet over the past month or two but we can assure you we are working hard behind the scenes to ensure Street Crime develops as we all want it to.

There have been various tweaks which you may have seen whilst playing the game such as new cars, upgrades to Porn Studio and a smoother running game. We will continue to develop the attack system as we push out the remaining 3 parts to complete the attack system implementation which you have all been waiting for.

Street Crime Staff

New Feature: Tasks?

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

Today we released a new feature on Street Crime called Tasks.

Tasks are there to help new players get to grips with Street Crime by interacting with various aspects of the game. Each task has a description and a reward which aims to teach players the basics of the game.

Once a task is complete you can collect your reward. Some tasks will then unlock another task for you to complete.

If you complete all the tasks you will have a good understanding of the game which will hold you in good stead when fighting the street alone.

Stay tuned for more updates coming in the near future.

Street Crime Staff

Auction Upgrade

Thursday, October 15th, 2009

We have completed an upgrade of the auction page to make it easier to manage your auctions and bids.

On the auctions page you will now see a “Your auctions” section which shows the auctions you have started and a “Auctions you have bidded on” section which shows any auctions you have bidded on.

In addition to this owners now have up to 24 hours after the auction has finished to pick a winning bid otherwise the auction is removed and all items/money returned to their rightful owners.

The last addition is that one player can now only have 5 auctions open at any one time, this is to prevent a player from listing everything they have.

Street Crime Staff

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