Posts Tagged ‘game updates’

Auction Upgrade & Other Tweaks

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

With the introduction of Porn Studio and the increasing use of Auctions to sell items to other gangsters we decided auctions needed to be adjusted to cope with the increasing demand on this feature. For this reason Auctions has undergone a few changes which will apply to any new auctions.

Auction changes implemented:
• Auctions can now have an Buy it now price – allows an item to be sold instantly at that price.
• All auctions will now end automatically once the auction timer has finished, if a valid bid is found the item is sold else returned to its original owner.
• Gangsters must set a starting bid amount for the auction.
• Gangsters have the opportunity to set a reserve price on their auction, this is unknown to the bidder and the auction will not be completed unless this reserve is met.

Other changes made to Street Crime:
• Hitlist now informs the gangster if any hit is taken care of, not just the final hit.
• Criminal record timer bars display red if you cannot attempt another of the crime.
• Flight timer has been fixed on the Criminal Record page.
• Organised Crime achievement unlock has been fixed and unlocks at the correct rank.
• Airport cities order is now the same whether you can or cannot fly.

We hope you continue to support us as we strive to become the best gangster game on the internet, we are working hard on new features, yes this includes kill, amongst other changes.

Stay tuned for more updates later today.

Street Crime Staff

Feature Upgrades, Fixes and Bugs

Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

We are continuing to work on all areas of Street Crime and hope to improve gameplay for everyone. We have been a little quiet on what we have been up to lately so here is a run down of some of the things we have been working on and what you can all look forward to. If you want to see this on a more regular basis you can check the Development Log.

Feature Upgrade – Tomorrow Afternoon:

– Tomorrow afternoon we will be implementing a big feature upgrade, we have been working on this for a number of weeks now and we hope you will all like the changes we make. For this upgrade to take place we expect the site to be down for up to 2 hours in order to make sure everything is working smoothly. We are very excited about this upgrade and hope you will be too. Make sure your online tomorrow to see for yourself!

Small Changes/Fixes:

Along with the big feature upgrade taking place tomorrow we have also been making small changes to the game over the last few weeks:

  • New Homepages
  • Auctions now charge 10% fee
  • Crew bunker fix – you can now invite the correct number of people
  • Criminal Record now shows your Jail Busts
  • Mission 2 – Finding Don Leechy: Don Leechy now moves cities each week
  • Gym and Getaway have been changed to AJAX to make it smoother to use
  • Optional minimised header and footer to make gameplay easier for those with smaller screens


This afternoon there was a bug with the hitlist which meant people were getting hitlisted for large sums of money which the person making the hit did not have. This has been resolved and all invalid hits have been removed.

The Future:

Not only have there been some excellent ideas in the Ideas Topic we also have some ideas of our own on ways we can improve Street Crime. Once the feature upgrade tomorrow is complete this leaves us in the position to complete the Kill feature which we no you have all been waiting for. Make use of those precious few days you have left to rank up your account and make as much money as you can, once Kill is out, your on your own!

Street Crime Staff

Street Crime Development Log

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

Today we decided it would be ideal if we could keep you, as players, better informed of what developments we have made to the game, however big or small. Keeping you informed of our developments allows us to hear feedback on our latest changes.

We therefore decided to create a second twitter account which we will use just to post Street Crime developments to. You can check out the development log from inside Street Crime by going to the development log.

For those of you that use twitter, you can add our twitter account by viewing our profile and clicking “follow”.

To view the development log manually you can visit the link from the Main page. For those of you that also haven’t noticed, you can also get back to the main page by clicking the Street Crime logo at the top of each page.

Street Crime Staff

Street Crime v3 Progress Update

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

Its been a while since our last update so just to let you all know that we are continuing to work on Street Crime version 3. We are beginning to see it come together however we still have alot of work to do so please stay patient. We will announce our plans on a release date as soon as we are in a position to do so.

If you haven’t already signed up to the pre-registration please do so. If you have already signed up, make sure you tell all your friends to do the same. Pre-registration allows us to inform you of important information in the lead up to the release of Street Crime version 3.

On Tuesday 14th April we decided in order to boost work for the week we would work all day and night. Yes thats right we had our very own “Codathon” which totaled over 38 straight hours of work! We made good progress during this time and are looking to plan another one of these in the near future.

Street Crime version 3 is likely to take alot of you by surprise with some new features and concepts. We hope to make Street Crime the best gangster game. You can help us to do this by making sure you have told all your friends about us, pre-registered and added us on facebook and twitter!

Street Crime Codathon

Street Crime Codathon

Street Crime Staff

Street Crime Merchandise Shop Coming Soon

Monday, April 6th, 2009

In the last few weeks we have made good progress with version 3 of Street Crime. We still don’t have a date in mind for the release but we will keep you up to date when the time comes. We are looking forward to it just as much as you!

Although we can’t announce a release date yet, we can announce that a Street Crime Merchandise Shop will be available soon. The shop will sell a range of Street Crime Merchandise including t-shirts, polo shirts and key-rings etc.

See examples of some t-shirt designs below (these are not the final designs):

Street Crime OC T-Shirt

Street Crime OC T-Shirt

Street Crime Logo T-Shirt

Street Crime Logo T-Shirt

The two t-shirts shown above are just an example of the merchandise available in the shop and are not final designs! To see a full range of the merchandise avaliable you will have to wait for the shop to open, stay tuned!

If you think you can add something to the designs or would like to see something specific add a comment to this post.

Street Crime Staff

Street Crime v3 In-game Interface

Saturday, March 28th, 2009

Street Crime Gangster Game is currently undergoing a major overhaul as many of you may already no. We are making steady progress with the outside interface (login, register etc) pretty much complete except a few fixes which needs to be made. We will also be looking to incorporate the outside game forum to the same style but we felt it was important to begin the important work inside first.

With this part of the revamp completed we have moved to the inside interface of the game. We have progressed well over the last week with this but its not quiet complete however we are now in a position to begin linking the game up to all the pages and making all the necessary fixes and changes that we have planned, more on this soon….

The new interface is a huge improvement on the current one and includes lots of little “quirks” which makes the interface quiet unique whilst at the same time bringing it up to date with the latest crazies found amongst other popular website. We have decided to keep the interface inside the game under wraps until further notice so you will have to stay patient.

Street Crime Staff

New Street Crime Interface Revealed

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

The new interface for Street Crime version 3 was revealed yesterday.

You can pre-register for version 3 of the gangster game here. Pre-registration will give you up to date news and information regarding version 3 via email so if theres any updates you get them first!

The new interface is a huge inprovement on the previous interface. Along with the new interface there is a now a Street Crime Blog and a Street Crime Forum which we hope you will all make use of.

We are now beginning work on the game interface and features. The new version will be much improved graphically as well as technically with all features re-designed and fixed to make them work in a much more logical way.

We dont have a deadline for completion of version 3 but we will keep you up to date on our progress.

In the meantime make use of the new blog and forum and dont forget to subsribe to our RSS feeds and add us on facebook and twitter.

Street Crime Staff

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