Posts Tagged ‘gangster game’

First 3 Players Make Godfather

Friday, October 2nd, 2009

Street Crime would like to congratulate the first 3 gangsters of version 3 on reaching the prestigious rank of Godfather. The first 3 gangsters were Casanova, Tyrasa and fat and ginga each of them has received a special Street Crime prize.

Look out for more competitions soon!

Street Crime Staff

Tonights Short Downtime

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

This evening between roughly 7.40 and 8.30pm gametime we had approximately 50 minutes of down time. We apologise for this. The issue is fixed and the server is now fully operational again so get your game back on!

Street Crime Staff

In Game Update / City Property Release Schedule

Monday, September 28th, 2009

This evening we have announced the City Property release schedule for all Casinos and Bullet Factories. You can see the list by visiting droplist if you are logged in. On this page you will see the city properties due to be released in the next 7 days (this page updates automatically so keep checking back). There are two different methods of city properties being released Auction or Drop. Drop means that the city property will be set to no owner at around the time specified in the drop list for the first player to get there and take it over! Auction means the city property will go for sale 3 days prior to the end time in the ‘Auctions’ page under the ‘City’ menu and at the specified end time the highest standing bidder will become the new owner. You must be at least rank Enforcer to hold a casino and at least Mob Boss to hold a bulletfactory.

Today we also have tweaked a few areas of the game to tailor better for the current demand, this included some changes to the amount of bullets produced by your personal bullet factories and the amount of lead gained from dominating cities amongst other things.

Bullet Factories are now producing 250 bullets an hour and buying lead from players for a reasonable price, if no reasonably priced lead is available then the city Bullet Factories simply will not produce!

Street Crime Staff

V3 Release Date Announced

Friday, September 18th, 2009

After many months of hard work we are very pleased to finally announce the launch date of V3! On thursday the 24th of September 2009 at 19:00 GMT+1 time v3 will go live to everyone. V3 is the third installment of our much loved Street Crime.

Street Crime V3 is loaded with new features and is a whole new take on the games of old, it also has an all new interface which makes playing the game even more enjoyable!

You can pre-register to get updates and news in the weeks building up to the launch date here.

You can also follow us on twitter and facebook.

Make sure your there for the launch date too make sure you get a good start in the new game!

Street Crime v3 Progress

Monday, August 3rd, 2009

Hello guys and girls,

As many of you will know we have been working very hard on the new version of Street Crime (v3). The third installment of the game looks set to be the best yet. We have tons of new things to show you and a whole new interface which we think you’ll really like.

We have been rather quiet in the last few weeks as to how well our progress is going. So we thought we’d let you know…

In a week or so we shall be moving the new version into its closed beta phase, which will mean that a few people will play and test the game for us. This will last for 1 week and help us to remove any bugs from the game before the game is live.

Once the beta is finished we will be ready to announce a launch date, this will be approximately 1 week or during the week following the beta test.

We will of course announce the launch date in advance so you can all make sure your there.

Not only are there alot of changes and new features and on a whole much better game to check out, but weve also got alot of prizes to give away for helping us with numerous things.

Details of those will be announced at launch…but just to wet your appetite we will have some Xbox 360’s & PS3 up for grabs along with some great accessories, gadgets, street crime t-shirts, posters and alot more. This is to show our appreciation to you for helping us more than anything.

Well thats about all for now folks look out for some more regular updates in the coming weeks as we start to wind things up for the launch!

Stay Tuned!
The Admins

Street Crime Game Feature: Stores

Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

In the upcoming version of the gangster game, Street Crime, we will be introducing a new feature. Stores are where you can purchase a wide range of equipment to use within the game to enhance your character. There are 6 stores:

Weapon Store:

Here you can purchase a variety of different guns which give you higher attack bonuses which in turn mean you require less bullets to attack another player.

Protection Store:

This store gives you the option to purchase different varieties of protection which give your character a higher defence bonus. A higher defence bonus means that opposing players will require more bullets to do damage to your character.

Transport Store:

The transport store sells planes and ships. Planes reduce the amount of time between travelling between cities. Players travel between cities for various reasons such as to sell drugs or to gamble at the different casino tables. Ships reduce the amount of time it takes to ship a car between cities. Each car that is stolen at the Grand Theft Auto (GTA) page is required to be shipped to another city immediately to prevent the police from confiscating the vehicle.

SC Store:

This store sells additional bonus items for your character which you can purchase with Street Crime Credits. Street Crime Credits can be purchased with real money. The bonus items include items such as a weapon, protection and plane which have even greater attributes than those which can be purchased for in game money. Other items such as Rank Bars, Reset wait timers and Street Crime cash.

General Store:

The General Store sells replenishment items such as health packs and energy enhancement items. These can be used to increase your health if you have been attacked and increase your energy back to its optimum level.

Tool Store:

This store sells a range of tools which are required for a number of features on Street Crime including Driveby, Jobs and Organised Crime. The tools in the store include items such as Crowbar’s, Knuckle Duster’s and Baseball Bat’s.

Stay tuned for information on more features in the Street Crime Gangster Game.

Street Crime v3 Progress

Monday, May 11th, 2009

Just to let you all no we are still working extremely hard on the new version of Street Crime. Although some of you may think its taking a while, we are effectively building the game again to ensure that it runs as smoothly as possible. Spending that extra time now will remove as many bugs as we can allowing for smoother gameplay.

We are now starting to receive some of the new graphics for the inside of the game which will improve the overall gameplay for you. The game is really starting to come together however we are still not giving a deadline yet as we are likely to have a closed BETA prior to releasing the game, again to remove as many bugs as possible before release.

Make sure you have told all your friends about us, pre-registered and added us on facebook and twitter. We are sure this version is going to much much improved on any other version of Street Crime you have ever played!

If you have any questions, we will respond to comments…

Stay tuned, Street Crime Staff.

Street Crime v3 Progress Update

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

Its been a while since our last update so just to let you all know that we are continuing to work on Street Crime version 3. We are beginning to see it come together however we still have alot of work to do so please stay patient. We will announce our plans on a release date as soon as we are in a position to do so.

If you haven’t already signed up to the pre-registration please do so. If you have already signed up, make sure you tell all your friends to do the same. Pre-registration allows us to inform you of important information in the lead up to the release of Street Crime version 3.

On Tuesday 14th April we decided in order to boost work for the week we would work all day and night. Yes thats right we had our very own “Codathon” which totaled over 38 straight hours of work! We made good progress during this time and are looking to plan another one of these in the near future.

Street Crime version 3 is likely to take alot of you by surprise with some new features and concepts. We hope to make Street Crime the best gangster game. You can help us to do this by making sure you have told all your friends about us, pre-registered and added us on facebook and twitter!

Street Crime Codathon

Street Crime Codathon

Street Crime Staff

Street Crime Merchandise Shop Coming Soon

Monday, April 6th, 2009

In the last few weeks we have made good progress with version 3 of Street Crime. We still don’t have a date in mind for the release but we will keep you up to date when the time comes. We are looking forward to it just as much as you!

Although we can’t announce a release date yet, we can announce that a Street Crime Merchandise Shop will be available soon. The shop will sell a range of Street Crime Merchandise including t-shirts, polo shirts and key-rings etc.

See examples of some t-shirt designs below (these are not the final designs):

Street Crime OC T-Shirt

Street Crime OC T-Shirt

Street Crime Logo T-Shirt

Street Crime Logo T-Shirt

The two t-shirts shown above are just an example of the merchandise available in the shop and are not final designs! To see a full range of the merchandise avaliable you will have to wait for the shop to open, stay tuned!

If you think you can add something to the designs or would like to see something specific add a comment to this post.

Street Crime Staff

Street Crime v3 In-game Interface

Saturday, March 28th, 2009

Street Crime Gangster Game is currently undergoing a major overhaul as many of you may already no. We are making steady progress with the outside interface (login, register etc) pretty much complete except a few fixes which needs to be made. We will also be looking to incorporate the outside game forum to the same style but we felt it was important to begin the important work inside first.

With this part of the revamp completed we have moved to the inside interface of the game. We have progressed well over the last week with this but its not quiet complete however we are now in a position to begin linking the game up to all the pages and making all the necessary fixes and changes that we have planned, more on this soon….

The new interface is a huge improvement on the current one and includes lots of little “quirks” which makes the interface quiet unique whilst at the same time bringing it up to date with the latest crazies found amongst other popular website. We have decided to keep the interface inside the game under wraps until further notice so you will have to stay patient.

Street Crime Staff

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