Posts Tagged ‘gangsters’

Attack Progress Update

Monday, February 22nd, 2010

We are now moving into the final stages of development and testing of the attack and kill functionality, so we thought we would show you some screenshots and pictures of whats to come.

The above screenshots are but a handful of whats to come!
As you will know we are working hard to finish this and it we are now on the home stretch but we won’t announce release of all of the new features until we are 100% happy that everything works as it should and we have worked all bugs out of the system as best as we can.

Heres some more stuff coming into the game when we release the features.

Heavy Weaponry

The RPG is one of 3 all new heavy weaponry guns never before seen in any street crime version, these heavy weapons fire unique rocket ammunition and carry a significant punch when trying to damage a fellow gangsters turf.

Some New Credit Items

Double Exp, allows you to equip your character for 24 hours with double experience from everything in the game, allowing for ultra fast ranking. Would be especially handy if you wanted to rank quickly back up to get your own back on a guy that killed you.
Energiser Plus is a new credit item which can be equipped to your character for 7 days and allows you to regenerate energy at double the normal rate.
Chaffeur allows your character to ship cars to and from cities which you are currently not in and last for 7 days.

Stay tuned gangsters!

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