Posts Tagged ‘unique attack system’

Kill and Attack Update

Sunday, February 28th, 2010

This is just a small update to let you know how were getting on with attack and kill. We are now in the middle of coding the final aspects of the attack and how each one of you will be returning to the game in the case you are sent 6 feet under! After your character is killed those of you who played previous versions of Street Crime will be familiar with the hell page. However for those of you who are un-familiar with this aspect of the game, when your character is killed by another gangster, you are required to create a new character with a new name and return straight back into the game so that you can start collecting and piecing together information about your death, in the hope that youfind the culprit and then can take revenge on him/her.

We have been busy developing an all new inheritance system, which will perk you up when you die, its also better than before in that dieing is not the be all and end all of the game. If your well prepared dieing doesn’t have to be that much of a bummer! We have some screen shots of this that will be making there way to this thread tommorow.

We also created a perfect testing environment to test all of the new stuff we have been working on and trust us when we say theres alot of it!!!

All in all things are going well with the development and by the end of this week we hope to have a date set for launch.

Stay tuned folks!

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