How to play Zombie Slayer

We thought we would accompany the recent outbreak with a small guide of how to play it. There are 10,000 zombies heading right for the streets of Street Crime, you and your friends and foe need to fight your way out.


For each Zombie you come across you must choose to fight it or run, if you run it might still bite you and you could end up in hospital, if it bites you, you will also be infected. If you are infected then if someone sends you a message or attempts to mug you whilst infected will also end up infected and in hospital. If you choose to fight the Zombie, you must tool up with your weapons and bullets, the higher the level of zombie the tougher it will make it to kill.

If you kill the zombie successfully you will earn yourself and your crew the equivalent points to the level of the Zombie. So a level 15 Zombie would earn you and your crew 15 points.

The top 5 players and the top 3 crews will each earn the following prizes.

Player prizes

All players will receive zombie competition July 2011 top 5 badge

  1. 250 credit, 31 day membership, 500 HP, 1000 Prestige.
  2. 150 credits and a 31 day membership, 300 HP, 600 Prestige
  3. 75 credits and a membership 200 HP, 400 Prestige
  4. 31 day membership 100 HP, 200 Prestige
  5. 25 credits 50 HP, 100 Prestige

Crew Prizes
Access to the boss of bosses with the following

  1. 5 prizes from boss of bosses for 7 days
  2. 3 prizes from boss of bosses for 5 days
  3. 1 prizes from boss of bosses for 5 days

Good luck, happy gaming and happy slaying.

dave (Author)
Lead Developer of Street Crime & Full time professional engineer, based in London. You can find him at his blog and on

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